MNA ShortTerm
and Internship
"Participating in the restoration..."
Mobilizing and Equipping the Church...
In Revelation 21:5 Jesus announces, “Behold, I am making all things new.” He is talking about the ministry of the Church, the cosmic vision of God’s purpose in this world. In Jesus, God will transform the world so that it will reflect His glory. MNA ShortTerm exists to mobilize and equip the Church to participate in this restoration of creation, through the declaration and demonstration of the love of God...
Pathways to Service, Learning, Fellowship and Encouragement.
Our desire is to promote short-term ministry opportunities as collaborative partnerships. This means that when believers participate with a short-term ministry, they enter that community as equals , seeking to learn, fellowship, and provide encouragement, along with whatever physical acts of service are requested.

MNA ShortTerm mobilizes and equips churches of the PCA by communicating short-term ministry opportunities that exist within churches, mission churches, and other PCA ministries throughout the United States, Canada and Puerto Rico. MNA ShortTerm also facilitates the placement of interns through these same networks. By promoting short-term ministry opportunities and internships, MNA ShortTerm serves as a kind of air traffic control tower for domestic short-term missions for the Presbyterian Church in America.
MNA ShortTerm also helps churches identify and develop mercy initiatives in their own communities. Through assessments, referrals, and training, MNA ShortTerm can help your church transition from short-term trips into long-term partnerships.

"When you read the Gospels you can’t help but notice that Jesus discipled the twelve on the field. In other words, He taught them the truth of the gospel; how to pray, how to live a kingdom-centered life, and how to serve and worship while on the mission field. I believe that’s one of the reasons short-term trips have such an impact on those who participate in them. It’s an intensive week or two of not merely filling heads with Biblical knowledge but learning the truths of God’s Word while sharing the love of Christ in word and deed with the community.”

When you read the Gospels you can’t help but notice that Jesus discipled the twelve on the field. In other words, He taught them the truth of the gospel; how to pray, how to live a kingdom-centered life, and how to serve and worship while on the mission field. I believe that’s one of the reasons short-term trips have such an impact on those who participate in them. It’s an intensive week or two of not merely filling heads with Biblical knowledge but learning the truths of God’s Word while sharing the love of Christ in word and deed with the community.”

1700 North Brown Dr.
Lawrenceville, GA
P.O. Box 890233
Charlotte, NC