The goal of Sacred Road Ministries is to be a unified and growing community of believers who have a passion for God, for each other, and for the lost, and who are prepared and equipped to serve the Lord by ministering in the community of Native America and the world.
Word and Deed. In partnership with Sacred Road Ministries and Pacific Northwest Presbytery. Short-term workers serve a hurting Native American Community with the love and truth of God. We are seeking to see a healthy, active church planted in this area. We are working in one of the poorest towns in the nation. There is no healthy church within a ten mile radius of the town where we work (White Swan).
Approximately 75% of the children we work with have fetal alcohol syndrome or other conditions related to their mothers doing drugs while pregnant. Many of the children are neglected and/or abused in a variety of ways. Most teens in White Swan would be considered “at risk”. Thirty percent of the teens in White Swan are technically homeless. The dropout rate in 6th grade and up is approximately 65%.
The concepts of marriage, parenting, and family are almost non-existent. Unemployment is about 75%. The life expectancy is 39 years old. The infant mortality rate is twice the national average. Virtually every social problem such as teen pregnancy, suicide, domestic violence, gang activity, etc are two, three, and even five times higher on reservations nationwide than in the inner city. There are 2.5 million native Americans in the U.S. and only 2% claim to be Christians!
Miraculously the community has embraced us and everyone who is a friend of ours! What began as Adult Bible study has grown into a church plant. We’ve been having about 100 – 120 people in attendance weekly for the last several months with new people coming weekly. Perhaps 300-400 children have prayed to receive Christ and many others are growing in their understanding of the Gospel and the claims of Christ.
The town of White Swan is beginning to believe that “our tribe” (Christians from all over the nation) really love their tribe! People are starting to talk about how the town in changing for the better! In the first three years about 2200 people signed up to pray for White Swan. Since 2003 more than 230 people come each year on one week teams to serve and 10 to 12 summer interns each summer.
We are deeply grateful for the teams the Lord sends to serve this community. Our goal is to treat interns and one week team members like family. Our hope is that everyone who comes would fall in love with our neighbors here and would pray faithfully for them in the future. We believe that through those prayers the Lord will transform this dark, broken corner of our nation in to a beautiful place.
For more details about serving with Sacred Road Ministries!

Ongoing Needs
Our team is growing and the ministry is expanding! In addition to the summer interns, we need people who will work as full-time staff and associate staff (a two-year commitment). We are looking for people who can become involved in Children’s Ministry, Youth Ministry, coordinating work-sites in the spring and summer, after-school programs, teaching, economic development, and working with our church plant.
We need full-time folks desperately. Currently we need about 30 full time people. We need teachers, coaches, drug and alcohol counselors, van and bus drivers, medical personnel (nurses/doctors), contractors, electricians, plumbers, auto mechanics, house parents for a boy’s ranch, etc.
This position could be filled by an individual or a married couple to be ‘project coordinators’ on either the Yakama or Warm Springs Reservation. This person/couple would serve as the point person to oversee and assist with coordination of the work of the volunteer teams. This commitment is for 12 weeks (including training).